The Yoga4Drummers Download in Person at your Drum Shop, School or Event!

2hr. Workshop Content:
- Sitting is the New Smoking
- The Psychology of Practice
- Neuro-biological Impact of the Practices
- Addressing Addiction and Post-Performance Depression
- Measured Breathing - Mindfulness
- Anatomical Considerations - Keeping it Safe
- Core Stability and Posture
- Postures/Sequences that address major issues of the drummer (or anyone who sits)
- Q & A
While the 6hr on-line program goes in to greater detail on all of these subjects, the Yoga4Drummers Clinic at your Drum Shop or Venue is a succinct, relevant and coherent download on some of it's highlights. During this 2 hr. presentation participants will come away with a solid 20-30 min. routine they can apply immediately to their drumming regiment to offset time at the kit; to mitigate shoulder, neck, wrist, low-back and hip pain, not to mention plantar fasciitis. Included in the clinic fee is a one-year subscription to
Discussions will be interspersed with playing at a kit, yoga demonstrations and guided practice. To Note: This program is not just for drummers - all musicians can benefit and all are welcome. (ie. guitarists, bassists and keyboardist - neck, shoulder, back pain, brachial nerve impingement etc.)
Much like brushing your teeth after a meal, the Yoga4D program is a preventive measure regardless of what you do or how you use your body at the kit. In addition to the obvious physical benefits of yoga and mindfulness, the practices can also help musicians that may have alcohol or other addiction problems.
Given Chris Cornell’s recent suicide, this information is more pertinent than ever for all musicians to be aware of. Years of experience teaching yoga and mindfulness in prison and the juvenile justice system has shown me first hand how these practices can impact those with such challenges, not to mention help folks to avoid this path altogether.
These practices can also increase emotional resilience for those who face demanding touring and performance schedules. In addition to ensuring wellness on-the-road, yoga and mindfulness can help mitigate Post-performance Depression when returning home after long periods. The absence of the performance high can often lead to substance abuse. Regular mindfulness practice however, can reel in the highs and lows of the performance pendulum swing and create a stable internal middle ground.
Frequently Asked Questions...

"It's Simple. You Are the Most Important Tool of Your Trade!"
I'm Not Flexible Enough To Do Yoga? Is Yoga4Drummers For Me?
“Absolutely! Here’s the scoop – flexibility doesn’t guarantee happiness. It’s not about that- though yoga does increase flexibility and joint mobility among many other benefits. The practice is the breath and mastering who your are towards yourself as you practice. More on these elements later but in short, it’s about refining your human experience. All the postures can be tailored to suit your specific needs. Best then to start where you are, practice regularly and let nature take its course, which it will….and hey, that’s a good thing!”
How Fast Will I See Results?
Yoga is like growing a mango tree. There is no instant pudding with the process, and so it will vary from drummer to drummer. It really depends on where you’re at when you start and what your commitment is to practice regularly. We all have different physical histories and abilities which make the journey unique for each of us. It’s all about “showing up.” Wayne Gretske said, “We miss 100% of the shots we don’t take.” Yoga is the same way. “No practice, no change happening.” It’s that simple. Arrive at the mat, practice in earnest regularly and let nature take its course. Over time you’ll have practice that bears fruit for its lifetime.
Do I Need A Teacher?
There is no substitute for working closely with a teacher with whom you resonate and who will support your personal development. I suggest Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga, however there are many methods out there. When explored properly Ashantga Yoga benefits folks of any age, shape, and physical history. That said, the Yoga4D program is rich in content designed to: 1) Review anatomical considerations important for the safe exploration of yoga in any setting. 2) Deconstruct the yoga postures explored in the sequences to provide a clear understanding of their intent and how to practice properly. 3) Provide basic sequences arranged in an Ashtanga Yoga fashion to create greater, dynamic balance, strength and comfort in the Drummer’s body. 4) Familiarize you with the “invisible” aspects of yoga – the internal practice that make yoga distinct from other forms of exercise. It’s a perfect way to “enter the stream.” The follow up modules will provide even greater clarity moving forward.
NOTE: working regularly with an instructor can deepen your understanding of these elements.
My Mind is Full On 24/7? How Can This Practice Help?
We’re often told to pay attention but we are not taught how to. The practice of yoga cultivates a strong awareness of breath, mental activity and sensation through movement. Yoga’s mindfulness component strengthens our capacity to keep a moment-by-moment awareness of our what is occurring within the framework of the body: our feelings, bodily sensations, surrounding environment – (what comes through the five sense doors), and even our thoughts. It also develops greater equanimity – acceptance of what we observe or experience AS IT IS – without judgement. (The latter bit is the tricky part but science tells us that the benefits of are well worth the exploration!) For a drummer, this translates into greater focus, and even greater capacity to witness mistakes without derailing your performance – how to let it go. Greater focus also means more efficient practice time. Very cool!
Why Is This So Affordable?
There’s a concept in marketing psychology that states that if it’s too affordable, customers will not recognize its value. Yoga, like meditation, was never intended to be offered for a fee. Yoga was meant to be universally accessible to all regardless of station or status. In this spirit, I want Yoga4Drummers to be available to all drummers. Ages ago, it was a student’s commitment to personal development to becoming one’s own master that teachers were looking for. That was the investment. Persistence to this end is more challenging than forking over large amounts of cash for such a program, and therefore the volition is said to have greater purity. There is a saying – “as is the seed, so is the fruit..” “as is your volition, so is the fruit of your actions…” The intent behind this traditionally based, universally accessible program, is that all drummers, through the insights gained by their practices, by living well for their own benefit and the benefit of others, and by enhancing their capacity to express authentically, will make the world a better place. And for this balance and harmony to then feed back into extraordinary levels of attainment behind the kit. One more note – Many of you may have multiple memberships to other fabulous web-based drumming lesson sites. Me too. This can add up, and drummers may not have available resources to access information to increase their vibe. Yoga4Drummers is THE perfect, affordable and essential complement to all on-line drumming education platforms.
To Contract Michael's Services
For additional information or to contract Michael to present a Clinic at your Drumshop, School or Event, please contact:
+1.484.542.0249 or by email at
I'll look forward to working with you.